Q1. Why should I submit my content to 9GAG?

  • Because 9GAG is a leading entertainment platform with global influence. As of November 2021, we have over 42M followers on Facebook, 57M followers on Instagram and 100M daily views on 9gag.com. These numbers are growing. With the reach of the 9GAG platform, your content can easily reach millions of new viewers and drive massive traffic to your social pages.
  • At 9GAG, our motto is “Go Fun the World”. We value every fun idea from amazing creators like you. Together we can make the world a happier place .

Q2. How will I benefit from joining Fun Off?

  • Apart from the perks listed above, you will have a chance to win the contest prize. And no purchase is necessary to enter!

Q3. Are there any contest rules of joining Fun Off?

Q4. How can I submit my content?

  • Simply go to the Homepage, create an account and agree to our Contest Rules. You will then receive a verification email from us. You can upload as many submissions as you like. Make sure you fill in the right email address and check your mailbox regularly.

Q5. When do I need to submit my content?

  • Stay tuned to our Fun Off Now page for the promotion period. Don’t miss the shot!

Q6. Do I need to pay any fee to enter any of the contest?

  • No. You can submit your content for free. However, any costs arising from the production of your content or any payments required to be made to any third parties for your content are your sole responsibility.

Q7. Which type of content should I submit to win the prizes?

  • The funniest of the funniest content. You are welcomed to come up with something we’ve never seen before! Just let your creative juices run wild. You should go through our Facebook and Instagram pages and do some research on what is popular or appears funny. Be creative and have fun!

Q8. Which types of content should NOT be submitted?

  • Your submission must comply with our Terms of Services and Contest Rules and may not contain:

    1. pornography;

    2. violence, gory and harmful content;

    3. hate speech and bullying;

    4. spamming, manipulation and multiple account abuse

    5. deceptive content;

    6. personal and confidential information

    7. illegal activities;

    8. impersonation;

    9. copyrighted and trademarked content.

  • For a full list of prohibited categories, please read the 9GAG Rules.

Q9. Who will decide the winners?

  • Our editors will go through several rounds to pick the funniest submission. We may also share your submission on our social media and observe the community’s response for our reference.

Q10. How will I be credited as the creator?

  • We'll tag your social page on the same media platform where the post is published, if any. Otherwise, we'll write your preferred name in the post description and add links to your social pages whenever possible.

Q11. Can I view the content submitted by other creators?

  • You may see other submissions on our page. But for privacy reasons, we will not distribute the information of other participants.

Q12. When/ how will I know the contest results?

  • All winners will be selected within a week after the Contest ends. They will be notified by email or Instagram Inbox Message. You can stay tuned to our Fun Off website and 9GAG Instagram Account for the announcement of the winners.

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